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I feel...

I have slightly neglected my fourteen (14) faithful readers by not posting anything for the last twelve (12) days and have therefore decided to take a little time tonight to let you all know what's going on in the life of me. (Yeah, I know... Boring.)

I have taken the bold decision never to return to the foul piss smelling hellhole that is A4E, as it depresses the shit out of me, despite the fact I may get into all kinds of trouble from The Man for refusing to go. Fuck Da Man... Da Man can kiss my scrotal sack and call me Sven for all I care.

It's not the fact that the A4E room stinks of piss, or the fact that the troglodytes spend most of their time there pissing around on Google earth, facebook or myspace, or the fact that there is a very perceptible evolutionary ladder on show, or the fact that the tutors seem more interested in getting copies of the latest DVD's from certain people* that has convinced me never again to darken their doors again...

It's the fact that I've come to the conclusion I would be better off taking a freshly sharpened pencil out my bag and jamming it into my eye than be there. One thing is for sure, I'd be far less likely to catch a terminal dose of some horrible disease sitting in Accident and Emergency holding the pencil steady than I would in A4E. And that's taking the nationwide outbreaks of MRSA into account.

*Who will remain anonymous as I wasn't about to get chatty with someone who has fuck you tattooed on their forehead.


Wreckless Euroafrican said...

och, no man!

Anonymous said...

Is A4E today's version of "the job Club"where they teach you to write job applications and suchlike.I'm not taking the piss BTW I'm just curious?

Unknown said...

Och aye man.

Indeed it is my man. I can see the need for it with the lesser mortals in this world but quite frankly I know how to fill in applications and see A4E as a bigger waste of time and effort than anything I have ever done in my life.

Anonymous said...

excuse me mr anon, you numpty, that is my son, he is not a lazy idiot. he has worked since he left school and as soon as he can get a job will work again, as for wasting taxpayers money, his dad, mum, brother and sister all pay taxes, to he is just getting back a bit of what we put in. As for you,at least have the courage of your daft convictions and leave your name. YOU PRAT......

Divemaster GranDad said...

If the first Anonymous, also known henceforth as "PRAT" (not the second Anonymous, which is from part of the family - "Hiya guys") had his/her/its own blog, we could see what his/her/its own writing skills were like and could rate him/her/it according to the we do with Cuzzin Ross here.

Although...we all know exactly how adept Cuzzin Ross is at writing, we encourage him to further his writing skills and he is doing so, and we all (all his family and regular readers) love him for his efforts and for being himself, so need we say more? I think not...

On the other hand....Oi PRAT...."be a much better" what? It'd be a much better place/world/galaxy without fuckwits like yourself who are continually over-critical of some people's us all a favour and fuck right off.

Anonymous said...


You really are an unpleasant individual. If leaving nasty comments without even having the guts to leave your name is how you get off, I feel sorry for you...Ross is a decent guy. Having a job is no indicator of how you contribute to society...Fred West, Beverly Allitt and Harold Shipman all worked and paid taxes. I rest my case...oh and feel free to abuse me, I'd expect nowt less from an inadequate saddo like you.

Wreckless Euroafrican said...

To the Prat - come over here and I'll give you what for.
Ross's mom - don't read thjis any further:-
Prat, if that cow that gave birth to you has suffocated you as instructed by the doctors, the rest of us woyuldn't have to put up with your crap. You probably one of those rich kids who's daay supported them, and then gave them a job in the family business. Well, good for you - now fuck off and go do something constructive yourself.