To let you all know how things are going in the life of me.
I have a £30 phone bill that needs paying asap. (Christ only knows how it's as much as that, I never phone anyone. Line rental? Don't get me started.)
Scottish power have begun threatening me with a visit to discuss payment of their outstanding bill. (And we all know that Scottish Power is facing financial ruin if I don't pay my bill as soon as it lands on my doorstep. They only made roughly £600 million in profit in 2006 so I imagine 2007 was a lean year for them.)
The council are chasing me for £50 in unpaid rent. Another one that puzzles me. My rent is paid BY the government TO the government and yet they still screw it up. (Must be short a few million due to the overspending on the Scottish parliament building and the tram system that is being put into place as I type. Which, by the way is massively overpriced, useless as far as travel anywhere outside the city centre is concerned and extremely unnecessary. Oh yeah and it's going to turn out to be another cock up as it'll spiral out of control and end up costing three times as much as we were initially told it would.)
But on the sunnier side of things I'm not too far from finishing my college course (I have one more section to finish and possibly a rewrite or two and that's that done.) I'm off to Florida on a family holiday next month and I'm a ball hair off of being back in full time employment.
Apart from that it's all pretty much same shit different day.
your mammy loves you xxx
remember the secret
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