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4:06 am.

The first bird of the day has just begun its morning sing-along. The rest of the birds are probably sleeping. Like normal creatures do at this hour. So why, I hear you wonder, am I not sleeping? Because I'm not normal.

Normal people work 9-5, then go home and watch mindless soap opera's with their mentally vapid wife while their kids beat seven shades of shite out of one another.

Me? I work late, stay up late and sleep late. Which is the way it should be. There's not a feeling in the world like waking up at 1pm, scratching your balls and rolling over for another half hour in the Land of Nod. Which is where I really should be at this point in time, but hey, fuck it. I'm of today so I can do pretty much what I feel like.

Right now, for example, I feel like grabbing my coat and going for a walk.

Walking at this time of the morning is a wonderful thing. There is very little traffic and hardly any people. The streets are clean and the air smells crisp and clean. No Police sirens sound, no-one yells into a mobile phone every three feet, no dogs bark, no kids scream and scamper at the playground.

In short, you get the swings all to yourself.


Anonymous said...

When you've finished your walk .... answer the email to you mammy

Divemaster GranDad said...

Or you get arrested on the swings by a Bobby on his beat for being a pervert prowling around the kiddies park... :-0 ...and no, I didn't have this experience...someone stole our swings.