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Dust off the tinsel...

Put on the Christmas album...
Pop open a bottle of Captain Morgans and say hello to Christmas.


So, what are you doing for Christmas?

Maybe, like me, you're spending time with your family.

Then again maybe you're not...

Maybe you're staying with friends, maybe you're stuck in an airport lounge cursing the inefficiency of travel companies, maybe you're wondering where your next meal is coming from or maybe you're homeless and are lying in a doorway wondering if you'll ever have a roof over your head again.[1]

Well, whatever you're doing I ask you to do this, think of someone worse off than yourself and do something to ease their suffering. Buy a card and some chocolates for the old lady in your street, give your seat on the bus to someone who looks like they need one, send money to a charity, give a few of your bucks to a homeless person, sponsor a child in a developing country, buy a food parcel and have it sent to someone who needs it...

In short, do something that Jesus would be proud you did.[2] That, my friends, is what Christmas is all about. Love for your fellow man regardless of race, religion, creed, colour or sexuality. We are, as a wise man once said[3], all the children of the Grand Whazoo.

[1] In which case how the fuck are you reading this... Tramps with laptops? Whatever next?
[2] Even if you don't believe he was the son of God
[3] Me. (And possibly a few of the more enlightened beings to have visited this earthly realm.*)

[*] To be fair they probably didn't refer to the ultimate being as "The Grand Whazoo."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good on you Ross, at last something you and Dad agree on. Me and Dad have done our bit, on behalf of your five nieces and nephews we have made life better for 5 families in the developing world.
