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Happy New Haircut.

Perhaps it's merely my imagination running away, and lets be honest here that wouldn't be a first, but when I left to open up at the club this morning it was a bright, sunny morning and it was warm. Not tropical warm, I'd be kidding myself if I said that, but warm enough not to warrant wearing a hooded parka and having a team of huskies handy.

Even as I walked along the road to the barbers it was pleasant enough. The sky was a clear blue and there was a summery feeling to the day.

While I sat in the barbers chair I gazed into the mirror and watched the reflection of the world pass by outside. As the barber trimmed my hair he began to make small talk. "Day off today, is it?" He enquired.
"No, I'm working at 6." I answered.
"What do you do?" He asked.
I replied to him that I was a barman but due to a large truck passing by the shop window he misheard me and said "Army, Eh."
I couldn't be bothered with straightening the mistake out and said yes.
"Are you based at Dreghorn Barracks then?"
"Yes but only for tonight, we've got a black ops situation to deal with in Belize and the squad is stationed there at the moment." I said, hoping that he'd shut up and cut my hair quickly so I could laugh out loud rather than in my head. He continued cutting and asked a few more questions. I answered them with quick replies of "I can't tell you anything more." , "Op-sec, you understand." and, my favorite, "Sorry, National Security."

After he finished cutting my hair I pulled on my hat and walked towards the door. I opened the door and a gust of cold wind blew into the shop. It was freezing and I said "Fuck me, that's cold." To which the barber said, "I bet it'll be warmer in Belize. Have a nice time."

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