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♫ Four seasons in one day ♫

There has, in the past hour, been damn near every kind of weather possible. The skies have blackened and rain has fallen, the Sun has burst through the clouds and split the light into rainbows and the wind has howled like a wolf in the night.

Just your average kind of weather for this time of the year. Some people say that anything other than sunshine and blue skies is bad weather, personally I say it's just weather. There is no such thing as bad weather, only improper clothing. Wear what is right for the conditions and you'll be fine and dandy. Or stay indoors. It's your decision.

No matter what the weather is doing Here and Now I'm practically guaranteed good weather when I go to Africa so I can live with it. I've lived with the shitty Scottish weather for 33 years so far, so what difference will another couple of weeks make? None whatsoever.

The next couple of weeks are going to be very tight with regards to my spending habits. I have a holiday to finance, an electric bill to pay, a flight ticket to level with my Dad and living expenses to deal with. It's going to be very tight but I'll get by. If necessary I'm sure I can call upon the goodness of others for a little assistance.

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