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It's all swings and roundabouts...

Ups and downs, highs and lows, ins and outs (if you're lucky) and peaks and troughs.

I've been in a bit of a trough for the last month or so with my writing. And to be honest I've got no idea why. It's not as if I've sunk into some kind of depression (I can spot a depression induced slump a mile off.) so there really is no rational reason why my mind should choose to dry up quicker than moisturising cream on the face of a pensioner.

Part of the blame may be attributable my dreams.

Lately my dreams have been very "emotionally involving." For the past two weeks the lasting memory I have when I awake is of an old love saying "I can't come with you. That's not my world." Very strange if you ask me. But that's probably not a good idea. Asking me anything is always guaranteed to elicit a reply tha would make a lunatic consider a new life-path.

Truthfully I have no idea what's causing it.

1 comment:

Wreckless Euroafrican said...

Hey, at least you are back. Dreams are just that, dreams. No relevance to the real world (as far as I'm concerned anyway). Maybe you just getting lonely bro.