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Break a leg, Son...

I awoke this morning at roughly 11am and found my mobile phone bleeping like Twiki from Buck Rogers having an orgasm. I opened the phone to find that I had three voicemail messages and five missed calls.

I dialed my voicemail and discovered that my mum had left a message saying that she had had a dream that I had broken my leg while having a shower and was unable to get to the phone to call for help. The second message was on the same lines, as was the third. The only difference being that in the second message she was threatening to send my dad to the house to check up on me, and the third call was telling me that she was on her way over if she didn't hear from me in the next five minutes.

I sent a text message to her mobile saying I was fine but it was too late. I looked out of my window and saw that my dads van was parked outside and heard a knock on my front door. I opened it to find my dad standing there with a world weary look on his face.

"Alright Pops." I said. "Mind the leg."

My dad smiled and I looked over the banister to see my mum hobbling up the stairs. She swore at me as she looked up to see I was standing there complete with two perfectly healthy legs. After five minutes or so my Mum was satisfied that I hadn't come a cropper and was fit and well and they left to go back to work in mothers case or watching the horse racing in my dads case.

Parents, gotta love them. Even if one of them is a nutjob...


Wreckless Euroafrican said...

Mom to work and dad to watch the telly.......???


Anonymous said...

Aw she was just worried about her wee Boy,That's what Maw's do..

Anonymous said...

Ross, You too? We could start a club: The Nutjob Mothers Club.

Anonymous said...

So I worry, its what Mammy's do......
Love you son...... xxx Mammy.
Remember the secret............

sighthill lady said...

and the leg goes on

Anonymous said...

And if yer ever gonna be takin a shower again, yer better let mes know first so I can join yer. Love you son xxx.