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Ubuntu to all orange robed freaks!

"Excuse me, Sir" Came the voice somewhere to the left of me.

I knew who it was. It was one of Them. The bald headed ones, the orange menace...
A Hari Krishna.
"Oh fuck." I thought.
"What kind of music do you like sir?" The Krishna asked.

I tried to get rid of the peace freak by telling her I hated music of all sorts. She countered my bluff by pointing out the pair of headphones around my neck. "So what are those for?" She asked. "Damnit" I thought.

"I'm learning how to speak Arabic." I said quickly.
"Any particular reason?" The Orange wearing warrior of peace and love asked.
"Just in case the war between Christianity and Islam escalates. I figure that when Sharia law is introduced in this country the new overlords will need collaborators." I said, beginning to wonder why I had even stopped walking.

"Have you ever considered a life free from sin?" She asked, vainly attempting to get back to the point of her stopping me. I knew the game as I had been here before, many times. And this time was to be no different.

"We all need a little sin now and then." I said as I reached into my pocket for my cigarettes. I purposely took out the half smoked joint I had, lit it and blew a large lungful of hashsmoke in her face. She coughed and spoke again. "And that is why you are here. To sin. The next life is one free from sin." She said.

"Prove it." I said.

She reached into the large bag at her side and told me that she had something that she wanted me to read. "If it's the Bhagavad Gita don't bother, I've read it." I said.
"You've read the Bhagavad Gita?" She asked.
"Yes." I replied.
She quickly pulled out a small white book. "If you enjoyed the Bhagavad Gita you'll enjoy this book." She said.
"I didn't say I'd enjoyed it, I just said I'd read it." I said, trying not to laugh.

I figured I should let her off the hook so I reached into my pocket and fished out a pound coin. "Look, I've not got a lot of money, I've just lost my job, but here's a pound for your cause. Gouranga, Salaam, Kindoki, Ubuntu and all that fucking nonsense... See ya." I said and walked away.

"Gouranga, I think." She said as I walked away.


Wreckless Euroafrican said...

"You've read the Bhagavad Gita?" ??
No one reads that, how come you have? You continue to surprise me young man.


Divemaster GranDad said...

Cuzz...I'm trying to figure out where this post is going, cos there's a couple of disjointed terms...

UBUNTU is a Zulu word that means “HUMANITY”, in depth it means a person is only a person through other people. In similar vein "Gauranga" is Krishna for "be happy" and "Salaam" means "peace", but...

Kindoki is a kind of African witchcraft...

Unknown said...

Thanks for the compliment.

Taken from Wikipedia - "In the Great Lakes region of Africa, the word for peace is kindoki, which refers to a harmonious balance between human beings, the rest of the natural world, and the cosmos."
I believe, perhaps in error, that Ubuntu means pretty much the same.
In general I was trying to let her know I was not in need of conversion to the happy clappers society.

Divemaster GranDad said...

Cuzz...I know and appreciate what you were trying to say to the orange one, but there are varous articles out there that contradict what you might have read about Kindoki (one of the definitions I found is that it comes from the Congolese language "Lingala", and means witchcraft)...just do a search on Google and read the first five results. Somewhere, someone, has got the definition wrong...

Also, check out this website for the definition of Ubuntu...
It's a term that's getting bandied about a bit here as the government are trying to "bring the peoples of SA together with the spirit of Ubuntu"'s gonna take a whole lot more than they're doing right now, starting with bringing down crime levels and taking the fucking taxis off the roads...

Divemaster GranDad said...

Cuzz...I forgot to mention that you could also have used the Zulu term "Hamba Kahle", meaning "Go with God" or "Go in Peace"...

Wreckless Euroafrican said...

Hey, It;s your blogg, you can use any bloody words you want to. it's called petic license!!!

Salagatle! (Stay in peace!) Not correct spelling, but it's mine!