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Small shifts...

In the space time continuum can have larger effects on everyday reality than you can realise...

The chaos theory is usually bubbled down to something along the lines of "If a butterly flaps it's wings in China, there will be a hurricane in the mid-west of America." And that's a load of horse-shit. Anyone with at least a small knowledge on how the world works knows that the USA has an embargo on wind that comes from China. After all, wind from China can turn you into a yellow Commie bastard...

I'm not about to pretend that I understand chaos theory. (Fuck that for a game of soldiers. I'll leave shit like that up to the eggheads of the world who have an inclination to bother with guff like that.) But, what I do know is that everything you do has an effect. If you eat too many cakes; You'll get fat. If you jog on a regular basis; You'll get fitter. If you drink too much; You'll fall over and if you beat the shit out of your wife she'll leave you, divorce you and take half your shit.

Even seemingly small things that you do can have an effect. Take, for example, putting your trust in someone. If that person returns your trust you'll have made a friend. He/She will be there for you in times of worry or stress and you'll do likewise. Cause. Effect. And the opposite goes if He/She betrays your trust and attempts to fuck you over. He/She will cloud your judgment and you'll go all weird and possibly have He/She killed by "Big" Tony and dumped on some wasteground. Cause. Effect.

We all are responsible for shaping the world around us. The slightest variation in timing can make your day... Someone you've never met before smiles at you and you go about your day with the knowledge that you still have it... Or break your day... You're leaving the house & you realise that you haven't picked up something important and you miss your bus... Or really fuck it up... You step out of your house (possibly after having returned for something important) just at the moment that a passing aircraft suffers a failure of some kind and you are killed by a plummeting ball of frozen effluent.

Life is like that.


Cynnie said...

I love trusting it..
I so want them to be trustworthy..I'm rooting for them all the way!!
more often than not I'm not let down..
Lucky? maybe ..

Anonymous said...

You really are quite interesting...!

*pulls chair up*

Unknown said...

Thanks to you both for your comments.

Please feel free to hang around.