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Have you ever...

Been asked a question by someone and your mind has instantly recoiled in shock at the stupidity of it?

Imagine the (hypothetical) scene if you will...

The setting is a bowling club. A 30th birthday party is in full swing, the DJ is spinning the disks and the party guests are drinking like there's no tomorrow. The barstaff are running around like headless chickens behind a bar where the temperature is over 115° and the sweat is pouring off them like they are some kind of aliens who piss out of their foreheads.

The (hypothetical) President of the (hypothetical) bowling club comes to the bar.

One of the staff walks over and asks him his requirements. He tells the member of staff his order and the staff member dutifully attends to it. Upon discovering that the member of staff has given him his drink in a small 8oz glass, rather than a tall 12oz glass, the (hypothetical) President proceeds to ask the most senior member of staff; "Why are there no tall glasses?"

The senior member of staff explains, in a somewhat succinct manner, that all the tall glasses are being used. Upon hearing this explanation the (hypothetical) President makes a remark that insinuates the staff are less than par and should all be sacked. Immediately; If not sooner.

The senior member of staff fights off the urge to tell the (hypothetical) President to "Fuck off, before I pull you over the bar and punch your cunt in." And explains that the bar is very busy and the party guests are asking for their drinks in tall glasses.

The (hypothetical) President mutters and mumbles a remark and walks away from the bar. Fortunately just in time to avoid the inevitable volley of abuse from the senior member of staff...

Would this scenario make your blood boil if you were the senior staff member?

I think it would.

Would this scenario cause you to question the (hypothetical) Presidents thought process?

I think it would.

Would this scenario cause you to wonder what the fuck it is that makes the (hypothetical) President think that members of staff should treat the (hypothetical) President as a special case?

I think it would.

Would this scenario cause you to wonder why it is that the staff member is working in such a place, instead of travelling the world and pursuing his own path unhindered by fuckwits such as the (hypothetical) President?

I know it would.


jenny said...

Of course hypothetically, this situation, where you are working in extreme heat with lack of sufficient tall glasses (which hypothetically we know are required lots during parties) would only arise in the first place if your (hypothetical) manager was a fuckwit with no balls who couldn't run the length of himself never mind a decent bar.

And you'd only have to put up with condescending remarks from your (hypothetical) President if he was a complete plum with his head up his own arse most of the time who repeatedly turned a blind eye to all that was wrong with how he and his team ran the place and preferred instead to blame the people with no say over what goes on.

Oh how silly of me(hypothetically) they both are just that.

Divemaster GranDad said...

And you're hypothetically still looking for reasons to get out and see the world? (hypothetical sigh)...