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God damn my body...

Some people treat their body like a temple. I see mine as more of a funfair.

Having just gotten over a chest infection, that I suspect may have actually been pneumonia, I now have a pulled muscle in my chest causing me some pain whenever I breathe or cough... I breathe as a matter of course; I smoke too much and have asthma, so I cough quite frequently...

At least I'm hoping it's only a pulled muscle. There is the deep seated paranoid fear in my head that it's a coronary building up to the point where my heart explodes out of me like a stinger missile, or lung cancer. But that's just paranoia. I hope.

I'd go to the doctor but after the debacle of yesterday, when I called to try to get an appointment sometime before hell freezes over, this will not happen in the immediate future so I'll suffer the stabbing pains and wait for either my chest to get better or for the upcoming stroke to strike and hurl me violently into the big sleep.

But these are the things that keep us on our toes. Or our backs.

Now playing: The Clash - London's Burning


Unknown said...

I actually gave serious consideration to dialing 999 last night but then I had a joint and calmed down.
You may be right about the ciggies but I'm not a quitter.

Divemaster GranDad said...

Ok Aunty can't throw in a line like that and not tell the rest of the world...what's "the secret"? Yes, I know it wouldn't be a secret afterwards, but what the hell... :-)


Ross and I have had this secret for 35 years and told no even if you are my favourite nephew....THE LADY AIN'T TELLING.

Aunty P.xx ;-)