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For a while now...

My text message ringtone has been a soundclip of the TARDIS in flight.


The other day I was on a bus headed into town when my phone began to ring.

A small boy who was sitting a couple of seats in front of me with his mother heard my phone and turned to his mother. "Mum, it's the TARDIS. The Doctor is coming!" He said, excitedly.

The boy started to look around with wonder in his eyes attempting to see where the noise was coming from, and spotted me. I smiled at the kid and put my fingers to my lips like we were sharing a secret. I opened my phone and showed the small front display to the boy.

His eyes lit up like only a child's eyes can when they are faced with something that amazes them and I spoke into my phone. "Yes, Doctor." I said, pretending that I was receiving a phone call.

I waited a couple of seconds before saying anything to give the impression that The Doctor was on the other end of the phone. "There's been no reports on any kind of invasion fleet on the usual subspace channels as far as I know." I said, then paused. "Ok, I'll check as soon as possible. Send the co-ordinates and I'll look into it." I continued.

I closed my phone, quickly got up and pushed the bell to let the driver know I wanted off at the next stop. In a flash an idea came to me. I pushed the bell again and yelled in the direction of the driver. "Come on man, the future of the human race is at stake here! I need to get off now!" I shouted. The driver, obviously thinking that he had a madman on board pulled to the curb and opened the doors.

I leapt off the bus and sprinted towards the nearest corner. As I ran I turned to catch a glimpse of the kid on the bus. He was standing on his seat with his mouth agape at the thought that I had been talking to The Doctor.

I stopped sprinting when I got around the corner and began laughing.


Anonymous said...

Hahaha, me and my brother just read that, fucking awesome dude! Get your groom on!

Unknown said...

I must say I resent the accusation that I'm a paedo. But I'm willing to forgive you based solely on the "Get your groom on!" line.
Best comment ever man. I'm laughing like a demon at that. Well done you!

Anonymous said...

I knew you'd be the kind of guy that would lap that up the right way - good work!

Anonymous said...


Love the story, Brill.


Wreckless Euroafrican said...

Luv it - just the kind of thing I'd expect of you. That kid will never be the same again!