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43 Places.

I've done a list of places I'd like to visit over on 43places.

Click here to see my places.


Anonymous said...

That is such a good idea. I should do it. How's life dear friend?

Unknown said...

Life is bareable at the best of times and unbareable at the worst. But, being a trooper and a stalwart, I struggle onwards.
I found out this week that my scooter is to be resigned to the great scrapheap in the sky, which I'm gutted about as I had big plans for my little hairdryer. But, no matter, I can always buy a new bike and not give in to the desire to go and beat seven bells of shit out of the thieving little arab who stole it.
How's you though? Still liking Quito? I hope so. All I know is that Quito has got the best end of the bargain.

Stay happy.

Anonymous said...

What has happened to the Ross we all know and love, what has happened to your writings and meanderings? Stop going on about all things you'd like to do and places you want to go to. STOP GOING ON ABOUT IT AND BLOODY WELL DO IT.......Have some faith in yourself, we all do.... get out there, see the world and write about it. Please

Unknown said...

Dear anonymous,
(Or Mum as I like to call you.)
Thanks for the comment. Nice to see you're still reading this even though it's currently as interesting as watching paint dry.

Normal service will be resumed as soon as possible. I hope.

miss cupcake said...

Ross, Quito is good. I am starting to be less annoyed with it. HAHA. It is the voluntary destitution that doesn't bode so well.

I did not see south America or the American northeast on your list...

I am very sorry to hear about your scooter. That is just rotten. Good to see you have a positive attitude though!!

Unknown said...

Hi cupcake,
Glad to hear you are settling in well and have taken to destitution like the trooper that you are.
If I'm honest (and I usually am, painfully so at times) I can't think of anywhere in South America I'd like to go.
If by the American north east you mean "Somewhere near me" so we can meet, consider it a given.

Anonymous said...

Not your mum, just an interested reader....

Unknown said...

Pray tell, do you know me from "real" life? If so please let me know who you are.

Welcome to my blog by the way.