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What could possibly have happened...

To the sweet and innocent looking child on the right of this picture to change him into the writer of this blog? Please leave a comment if you have any kind of theory.


Divemaster GranDad said...

Nothing...he just lost the glasses and grew about six inches (in height)... :-)

jenny said...

He was so dazzled by the curtains behind him that his body went into shock. The resulting electrical currents ran into his head causing him to forever more be cursed to a life of sharing his feelings and thoughts with the world on any and every topic? No? Och well...

Bizarre how intelligent you look back then compared to now eh? Lol!

Wreckless Euroafrican said...

He was influenced by the child in the left of the picture? Or he was destined to make a differance, and is? Or, he was orbed into a different time zone, underwent extreme temperature changes which altered his state of mind, was introduced to chemical substances which did more altering, and is now in a constant state of turmoil, bound by his inner innocence, and challenged by a cruel and unfogiving society. He is desperate to make the best of his lot, and in doing so needs to reduce his experiances to the written word, a skill he probably learned about the time the picture was taken, and one he luckily has not lost whilst going through this alien invasion into what was his nice quiet life, back then...


Unknown said...

I grew more than six inches.

I blame the wallpaper for the bodyshock. I did look intelligent didn't I? Goes to show you looks can be deceiving.

I wasn't influenced by the child on the left (my brother) but I certainly aimed to improve my lot in an attempt to be like him. As for the lines "he was orbed into a different time zone, underwent extreme temperature changes which altered his state of mind, was introduced to chemical substances which did more altering, and is now in a constant state of turmoil, bound by his inner innocence, and challenged by a cruel and unfogiving society." Almost spot on. Hard to believe though it is I never learned to write until I left school and realised that my dyslexia was not the handicap I thought it was.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE that t-shirt you've got on, it's acers.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jenny, those curtains, with matching Duvet covers were so 70's they were ahead of there time.......

Anonymous said...

It was the NHS glasses.. You're pretty lucky.. I've seen kids who wore those turn out MUCH worse!

God bless the NHS fairies.

Anonymous said...

awww u were so cute what happened to ya lmao jk babe miss ya hope to catch up soon love on ya. Boo