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I have seen the light... And fuck me, it's bright.

When I woke up this morning I expected the day to be dull and drab as I had to go and sign on.
And to be fair the day did start off on a dull note as I had to go through the soul destroying process that is signing on. But now... If it was raining outside right now I'd go out and dance in the rain like I was Fred Astaire.

"Why?" You may ask... Well, because even if there was a storm outside, and the rain was bouncing off the ground, I wouldn't feel it as the sun is shining inside me.

And the reason? Well... Tonight I got an e-mail from Kate, the lovely polish girl I met while in Dublin.


Divemaster GranDad said...

And that's all you're going to say about it? That's cruelty to the rest of us...

Come on...spill the beans...

Wreckless Euroafrican said...

I hate to say I tolod you so, but in this case I suppse I didn't. However, I can feel your elation, and am glad for you. Go man Go!!


Unknown said...

Hello again guys,
There will be no bean spilling. There are none to spill. Suffice to say I liked the girl lots and would like to get to know her better.

God only knows what kind of metal damage this blog will do to the poor woman. I just hope she doesn't freak out and flee.

jenny said...

It's making me all fuzzy and warm inside!