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Embrace the chaos...

And walk with your head held high. For you are a child of the stars...

I was pondering on life, the universe and everything last night. I got to thinking that we are beings who attempt to assert control over something which is uncontrollable. As individuals we attempt to assert our will upon the world around us.

We are guided by a sense of needing to create something which will stand the test of time without realising that all things are dust. The Pharaohs built pyramids that will be sand in 20,000 years time, the Great Wall will be crumble to nothing more than a pile of rocks and Mount Everest will be eroded by wind and water. All things are effected by entropy.

Does a soul/life force/intelligence guide us? Are we nothing but a tool for some higher force? Are we at the whims of the great magnet? Does the Grand Whazoo watch out for us or are we alone? Who knows... Not me that's for damn sure Sparky. If I knew the answer to this, trust me, I'd share it in a heartbeat. I'm like that. Generous.

On a small side note, I just looked at the word Generous and wondered why it begins with the four letter word Gene. Maybe that's just me attempting to see through the cracks in reality and seeing something that isn't necessarily there. Anyhoo...

Should we accept that all things are outwith our control and embrace the chaos? Let go with our minds and accept the never ending moment that is the present? Will the darkness take us or does a light truly shine? Ahh, all these questions float, fly, flee and free associate in the mind.

The Process began many billions of years ago and will continue for many billions more. You and I will leave this mortal coil, suns will expand and explode, planets will come and go and there will come a day when there isn't someone called Bush driving the show. Grand dreams huh?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Excellent stuff boy. Keep it up.