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The worst thing...

About spending the day cocooned in the house reading books and listening to music, is the knowledge that at some point you will have to leave the glorious warmth and step out into the wind and rain to get a pack of cigarettes.

Which is exactly what I'm about to do.

I'll be right back honest...

What's even worse about having to drudge along to the local shop is to find that they have run out of your brand of cigarettes and have nothing but Marlboro red in stock. Which means making a longer journey as you have to trudge to the local 24 hour garage, Gas Station for all you Americans reading this, to get some smokes.

But that's neither here nor there. The point I'm attempting to make, and failing quite spectacularly at, is that since giving up smoking an average of 15 joints a day my cigarette intake has ballooned like never before. I'm now a forty to fifty a day man.

Previously I was a pack a day bloke. You know the type, the kind of person who smokes but not at a really dangerous level. But now I'm borderline being known as "The-guy-who's-gonna-die-before-he-hits-his-fifties" by people.

But this will also have it's benefits. If I do shuffle off this mortal coil in my late forties/early fifties I'll be more than happy. Live fast, die young and leave a good looking corpse and all that.

1 comment:

Wreckless Euroafrican said...

20 / 40 a day. No difference.
It's bad for you either way. But at least you remain sane, and compusmentus(spleeing?)

You keep your wits about you.
And that can be tapered down to 20 a day again later.
No biggie!!

Keep up the good work!