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You gotta love...

The human immune system.

Or I do anyway. And judging by the liquidity of the shit I just squirted into the bowl of my toilet I'd say my immune system is getting a damn good work out.

The temptation to upload a picture of my squirt onto Rate My Poo was high but I'd really like to keep a decent readership for this blog so I'll save your eyes from seeing it. Suffice to say that it's not pleasant.

I hope this isn't the first symptoms of Avian Bird Flu that the British press has been talking about all week. Truth be told I'm not that concerned about it. It's only killed 60 people in Asia and there are millions of people in Asia. Sure, if it had wiped out a couple of hundred thousand Asians I'd be concerned but as such I'm not that bothered.

I suppose you could say I'm not shitting myself about it...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Certainly not my pretty little cherub.