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Would you? Could you?

Have you ever read a biography, or an autobiography, where someone gave up a steady job with a regular income to chase a dream?

I'm in the mood to do just this.

My job at the club is slowly driving me off my head... I actually think what's driving me off my head is some kind of deeply rooted self destructive streak but let's not go into that just yet. We have bigger fish to fry for the moment...

Since returning to Edinburgh after my month off in Africa I have found myself slipping back into the rut that I promised myself I wouldn't slip back into. And I'm annoyed at myself for allowing this to happen. Very annoyed.

For the last couple of years I have harbored a desire to give Stand-up comedy a whack as a career but as such I have only talked about doing so. It may be the time that the talking about it stopped and getting up and doing it began. What's holding me back from trying you may ask, and justifiably so.

What I think is holding me back is the fear of failure and the fear of not being funny or getting laughs. But that's only the bullshit that I tell myself to make the gnawing feeling ease off for a while. I know I can be funny and can get a laugh from most people who have a pulse, but knowing this and doing it on stage are two extremely different things.

There is only one possible way that I can find out if I'm suited to a career as a Stand-up... Do it. Bite the bullet, Swallow the shooter, Dive right in, Step up to the plate, Take the red pill, Grab the bull by the bollocks, Take the mic and stand up for Stand-up... Call it what you will; It's all the same shit in the same storage tank anyhoo.

So in order to get myself out the rut I find myself sliding back into I'll be going up to The Stand comedy club in the city centre on Monday to see about getting an open mic slot on the amateur night bill.

The way I see it is if I try and I fail, Fuck it, at least I'll have tried. Knowing you tried and failed is always better than never trying and not knowing. Carpe diem and all that guff.


Divemaster GranDad said...

On ye go, Cuzz...break a leg. You know you can do it. I think you might have a case of stage fright, but apart from that you should have plenty of material to work from. You certainly have enough to keep the blog readers coming back, so use some of that. The Puke Diaries could even be part of it, then there's always the G8.....and the list goes on...

Anonymous said...

Momma here, go for it son, but remember the rent has to be paid, the local taxes, food drink gas lecy the list goes on, so combine your day job, which we know you loath with a comic job till you get on your feet, I managed looking after three kids and working nights, and your my boy, I have aboslute faith in your abilities. xxx mommma

Just Some Guy said...

Dude if i worked in a bowling club i'd be tempted to shoot myself nevermind try and start a new career. I suggest you listen to ya momma though.

Maybe you'll be the scottish Bill Hicks from what i glanced at your blog!