And I'm looking forward to it. Whether this is sensible or not remains to be seen.
Anti-capitalists will be protesting around the city centre. Anarchist groups such as The Wombles, Dissent and others will swoop into the west end and stage random protests. Targets are alleged to be large multinational corporations, banks, financial institutors and there have been, according to news sources, calls to blockade roads leading out of Edinburgh to prevent the G8 leaders staff from getting to Gleneagles.
Edinburgh council have said on their website...
The Council is aware that a collective group of protestors are planning an event, The Carnival for Full Enjoyment, in central Edinburgh at lunchtime on Monday 4 July. However we have not been contacted formally by the group, so we do not have any official details on what is planned for the day. We believe in the right of free speech and support groupsÂ’ rights to demonstrate peacefully. We do not condone any action that involves a breach of the law or the invasion/occupation of private property. We hope that what ever is planned for the day passes safety and peacefully.Police presence is high in Edinburgh. An estimate of 10,000 wouldn't be far of the mark.
I'll be there to live it all for you. Ain't I brave? Or just mad...
Failing arrest I'll be posting pictures and words from the protest tomorrow.
You should seriously consider studying appears you have a passion for the reporting and sharing of information.
Who know, it might lead to seeing more of the world....
Good luck for the G8...looking forward to hearing about it.
So were you one of the scruffy unwashed masquerading as political activists today? Not that the halfwits who populate the Police force are any better...
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