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I've been set the task of writing a screed, on a topic of my choice, before my nephews birthday next week.

My brother Stuart set me the task after I had rambled on about how much my job at the club sucked.

The challenge is to write a piece that can be submitted to a newspaper/magazine. Where it goes from there I have no idea. Whatever happens I'll keep you posted.


Divemaster GranDad said...

Cuzz...without being the one to prescribe what to write about (after all, we all know I'm not the Grand Whazoo), you've just spent a month in Africa. How much more of a topic do you want? Even while you were here, you lamented on the conditions people live in, compared to other places in the world where other basic necessities are taken for granted...

Get writing, m' can do it...

Jeanie said...

I've tried this. It's easier said than done. But a month in Africa should write itself.