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Awaiting the backlash...

I'm not very widely read on here.

I came to this conclusion after the London bombing happened and I didn't recieve any hate mail for selling this T-Shirt on Cafe Press.



Divemaster GranDad said...

Well, to show you how seriously some people take his t-shirt, when Cuzz dropped me off at Edinburgh airport after my visit, he had on his "Terrorist?" version of the shirt.

A policeman on duty there, saw that the wording was half-covered by a jersey slung over Ross's shoulder and asked Ross to move it, so that he could read the rest.

When he saw what it was, he had a good chuckle, said something to the effect of "Fuck me..g'wan yer way" and then wandered off.

Must be the only cop I've ever seen with a sense of humour. But the reaction was classic...

Unknown said...

Thanks for the comments guys.

I still think that the best reaction I have had from one of my T-Shirts was when I walked along Princes Street in Edinburgh wearing my "Terrorist?" T-Shirt and wearing a kevlar army issue helmet.

The reaction from members of the public ran from looks of confusion, double takes so vicious that I'm sure I heard vertebrae snapping, horrified shock and best of all, laughter.

One guy actually grabbed his friend and bodily shoved him into a shop doorway as though I actually was a terrorist and there was a distinct possiblity of him and his friend being the victims of a card carrying, T-Shirt wearing, terrorist.