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It's beautiful.

And it deserves praise.

I was sitting in my friend Steff's house last night as he absent-mindedly flicked through the TV channels. Suddenly stopping on one of the music channels he made the proclamation that the song that was playing was, in his opinion, "Fucking brilliant."

He asked me what I thought about the song and I stated that I hadn't actually heard it. The song in question was "Beautiful" by James Blunt.

Steff informed me that it would, no doubt, be on again soon and went back to flicking through the channels. Within fifteen minutes of him making the statement, that the song would be played again, he was proven to be correct. The video started playing and I listened with an interested ear.

As the voice of James Blunt began singing I felt my heart break. On one side I was dying from hearing the heartache of the song and on the other I was happy that there was someone out there who wrote words about the real proclivities of love.

When the song finished I turned to steff and told him exactly why he liked the song so much and why it deserved to be heard by everyone alive...

"It's the song every man sings inside. The song that tells of the small snapshot in all our lives when we see The Light shining in a women's eye and realize at that minute that we love them more than anything that came before or after, but because of bad timing or circumstance we will never attain that wonderful dream. The dream that every man would tell his friends he has if we weren't too busy ribalding with each other in the pub. In an honest world that's the story we would tell each other while standing at the bar... Instead of us saying shit like, "I knew this bird, she was really dirty, she'd fuck you backwards and inside out then slurp up your jizz like a kitten with a bowl of milk" We'd let each other know the truest story of all... "I saw God in the eyes of a stranger and I loved her for a second that stretched into eternity. I never knew her name and I never held her in my arms but in that moment I knew, I understood... I saw everything in a flash of light and knew it would all work out in the end. Because of love."

And I stand by those words. The song is "Beautiful"

To visit James Blunt's homepage just click here.


Skywolf said...

Wow... that was lovely. It is a great song, but I shall listen to it more deeply next time it's on the radio.

jenny said...

Indeed it is very good...not my usual listening but fantastic words. Very much like the rest of his album...I'm liking it very much but not as much as Damien Rice who just gives me goosebumps especially on the blowers daughter and cannonball. Lovely.

Bye then.

Anonymous said...

what a beautiful song... thanks for sharing..