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Well, that's it. The holiday is over. Reality kicks back into view. But something is different.

What's different? Me.

I am no longer one of the herd that watches the news and sees children starving and thinks "That's a shame." I can't do that anymore. My conscience will not allow me to.

I have in the past seen images on TV of children scrapping in the dirt for something to eat because they haven't got a pot to piss in and thought just that. Fuck that. It aint right. It was never right. And it will never be right. The time has come to change the way this world works.

The time has come to end world poverty. Governments must make the move to cancel world debt and the human race must realize that this Planet is all of our homes. There are no countries. No different races, only shades of human. There is no color, only shades of humanity.

Because of this new vision I have I am from this moment on going to make the effort to try to change this world we live in. And the first thing I'm going to do is join up for the Make Poverty History campaign and I recommend you do to.

The next thing I'm going to do is get off my arse and answer the call for people to hit the streets of Edinburgh while the G8 Summit is being held at Gleneagles and show my support for this cause.

I'm not Bono, Bob Geldof or anyone else famous whose voice is heard by millions. I am just one person. But my voice added to the call makes it just that little bit louder. Join in and make the shout heard around the world. The time to change has come.

"Millions of people in the worlds poorest countries are trapped in the prison of poverty, it is time to set them free. Poverty is not natural it is man made and can be overcome by the actions of human beings." Nelson Mandela.
Join the call. Lets be all that we can be. Sign up for Make Poverty History by clicking this link.

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