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Terrorist T's Take off.

It's a great feeling knowing that your words have been read by hundreds, if not thousands, of people around the world. What's even better than knowing this, is when your business idea is latched onto by the populace and you manage to make a mockery of the system and lots of money in the process.

Sadly, I can only lay claim to the first of these two things. I've been read by hundreds of people in my time on the net, But, my business idea is yet to make me rich enough to afford large bags of columbian weed and an MV Augusta. The lord only knows why...

Perhaps the world is not yet ready for my particular brand of humor. I can see why this may be the case. It's not everyone that gets the joke behind something like this...

I could have been a model.

This joke goes over the heads of most people. I call those people "Sheep."

The real question is do YOU get it?


Divemaster GranDad said...


I tried to view your T's and got told I don't have permission to biew your page on Flickr...maybe that's why you're not getting the response you wanted?

Stuart Douglas said...

Drop the link to flickr on the images and just have them link directly to the cafepress page image.

Unknown said...

Whoops. once again my lack of knowledge of shows me up. So it goes.
Fixed now though.