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Lost chances.

They haunt me every once in a while. As I'm sure they haunt you on occasion. We have all got our fair share of regrets. It's a universal constant. We all have small moments in our lives when we wish we had done things differently.

Perhaps you wish you'd had the courage to stand up to the kid who mercilessly bullied you at school for being different. Perhaps you wish you had let someone know how you felt about them when the chance came along but didn't. Perhaps your wishes are different. I know you have times in your life when you wished you had done things differently.

One of those moments presents itself to me as I sit here.

Last year I went to see Doug Stanhope perform at the Edinburgh Festival and while I sat on the steps of Hunter Square I saw a nice looking girl sitting drinking a bottle of wine with her friend.

I sat drinking from a plastic pint of Rum and Coke and watched this blonde haired beauty and her friend manage to pacify a roaring drunk with such elan and verve that I was immediately smitten. And what did I do? Did I walk over and introduce myself? Shit no. I sat and watched her from afar.

When she stood from the bench that her and her friend were bravely defending from a slightly off center pincer attack by two drunks she looked directly at me and smiled so radiantly that all time stood still. For me anyway. No sounds did I hear. No movement did I see. I was enraptured, captured and caught.

What I wish for is that moment again. So I can see that smile again and approach her to introduce myself. Even if she only said "Get the fuck away from me you freak."

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