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Help Wanted...

Having read lots of reviews on websites which make claim that Blogging is the new rock 'n roll I find myself asking why it is that I'm getting very low hit counts on here.

Is it the content? Perhaps. Is it that my writing style is lacking in, well, writing style? Maybe. Is it because no-one really gives two fucks what I sit here and type out? Probably.

What I need is some kind of tutorial on how to get more traffic onto my site. I've listed my blog on several directories and have had some hits from these directories but I'm still only getting an average of only 30 hits per day. Most of which are from my own page loads. Sad aint it?

When I'm looking at other blogs what do I see? lots of comments and lots of people interacting with one another. Then I look at my blog and see very few comments and even less people interacting. It would make the average person give up. But, I'm not the average person. So I shall keep fighting the brave fight and maybe one day the rest of the human race will catch up.

Until that day comes I'll keep posting whatever takes my fancy.

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