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Katie Bairdie.

So It continues...
Hello again,
Very touching. I can see why your tutor liked it. There is a sense of emotion being given
wholeheartedly in it that is extremely difficult to fake.

I'm reminded of something I lost once by your poem. Moreover I'm spookily haunted as the something
I lost shared a name with you. Small bells ring in the meme that is me.
And on...
Oh dear maybe I'm bugging you now reminding you of things that are maybe best left alone! I can say that I don't think our paths have crossed in the same way that my poem implied at least not to my knowledge!
Not at all. I'm just overanalyzing. It's a curse. I'm rather enjoying this mad little spurt of
thoughts and emotions over a telephone line.
Do you overanalyze a lot? You're starting to keep me back now..I'm supposed to be typing up a set on meeting notes and agenda's for a design firm!! Real interesting. Anyway take some time and give me a chance to get this done a bit more. Tell me more about yourself.
And on, and on...
I work in a bowling club. It's duller than dishwater but it allows me to pay the bills, spend
the nighttimes writing and the daytimes sleeping.

Sorry for putting you up on my blog but I like to post at least once a day if I can and I couldn't
think of anything to write about. Hope you don't mind. Think of it this way, in two centuries time
when people are worshipping us like gods and geniuses these mails will be sellable in book form.
All things work out in the end.
I don't mind. It reads quite well. Who knows if we end up as great mates or old marrieds one day we'll have something to look back on in cyberspace of our first meeting. I suppose that makes me your Particeps Criminus!!! I notice you like the use of a Latin phrase. Seize the day indeed!
Ad nauseum yet?
Hello again,
To say I overanalyze a lot is an understatement. But so it goes.

There's nothing much to know about me. I'm just the average 33 year old curmudgeon who has been
let down by the education system, local government, Scottish parliament, British government and the

I'm single, No surprise there, and live in Edinburgh with a large stereo and a pizza, kebab and
Chinese takeaway habit to feed. I have no pets. (If you don't count the occasional rogue spider
that I take a liking to.)

My favortite movies include Monty Pythons Life of Brian, Grosse point blanke, Catch 22 and far too
many more for me to list. I read a lot more, I suspect, than anyone else that was in my class at
WHEC ,(Wester Hailes Education Centre. That's an oxymoron. It was nothing more than a factory for
future McDonalds managers.).

I gotta be honest about the Latin thing. I just like using it to give a little credence to my
writing. When a monkey talks it only surprises you, when it talks in Latin scholars take note.
Hehe. If you don't tell I won't.

So what about yourself? I picture in my mind shoulder length darkish hair and green eyes, a nice
smile and a warm heart. But like I said, I overanalyze. Perhaps you are a crazed serial killer who
roams the world on stolen credit cards and false passports killing randomly based on my apparent
lack of care for humanity and it's foibles. If so please let me say I do have lots of love for
those in society that are thought not of by the general populace. I buy the big issue! Please
don't kill me!

Whoops, the mask fell for a second there. And the light shone through. Many possibilities that
remain in the mind. Ramble ramble ramble.

Generally I'm just your average arrested development poster child trying to make sense of life.
And failing. Spectacularly, in my opinion. How about yours?
I wonder where all this craziness will lead?

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