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All quiet on the western front.

Nothing very much to write about tonight...

I have a new haircut. It's a flat-top. I look like a retarded bouncer. I'm not joking you. It's awful. Though I'm sure it'll grow back, So, no major worries there.

I think I may need a new monitor. This beast of a thing that I have at the moment is playing silly buggers with me and isn't keeping it's horizontal hold for longer than five minutes. The only way I've found to get it to keep a straight page is to whack the right hand side mercilessly until it pops back into normality. Because of the fact that I do a lot of my writing between the hours of midnight and four am knocking the shit out of my monitor is not much of an option. Not if I don't want an angry neighbor at my door.

I got a reply to my mail from my old school friend and have just replied to it. I may post some more of them if I feel that what one of us has written is worthy of space. Or if I run out of shit to chew the breeze about. Whatever comes first.

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