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Go on, you know you want to...

You do, admit it.

You want to know why the blog ain't been updated as much as it usually is. Well, it's like this...

Last week I stumbled into one of my deeply introspective moods (More then likely brought on by a massive intake of little-brown-stick-icky) and began questioning my existence. Am I, as an anonymous swine who commented thinks, being a drain on the funds of this nation by not being gainfully employed?

Am I indeed a waste of precious bodily fluids and organs that someone else could put to better use; Am I the merely a grindstone for someones axe? Or am I doing what everyone should do and am living by my own set of rules with scant regard to fuckwits who have nothing better to do with their time than to rant anonymously at someone on t'internet.

Personally, and after much thought, I think I'm the latter. As far as I know this is the one and only life I shall ever have. Why on earth would I set my bar by the standards of others?

Wouldn't you feel aggrieved if you were told that you couldn't think bigger just because someone else is of the opinion that striving to be better than the rest of the herd is unsuitable? Fucking right you would. Don't even think about arguing the point; You'll only embarrass yourself.

While pondering the grand scheme of it all, I was absorbing all kinds of information, garnered from the usual sources, about the nature of life itself. What is this thing we call life? Is it nothing more than the outcome of an absurdly improbable evolutionary scale or is it a creation of some All-knowing and All-powerful GOD?

All I know is... It's a funny old thing.


Shadows and Starlight said...

Hmmm... random reflection on life and choices and.... STUFF.

Seems like you and I have been in similar sorts of headspace, brought on by different agitators (school for me), but essentially causing similar 'life content review'.

Yeah, it's funny how life works some days.

Wreckless Euroafrican said...

Introspection - to look within oneself and try to discover....
A good thing, something more people should do, as then maybe we would better understand ourselves, and our position in life and on thi splanet.
Anonymous - to behave like a real doos, and promote personal opinion and idiotic perspective into the world, without having the confidence to admit to being the responsible one.

mmmmm - I think I prefer toe former. I like your "work", and your honesty. I prefer to know that you are a relatively serious and deep individual, and that when you post it is with either meaning, or with the aim to entertain. Better than the ranting of a non persona!
