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Danger Will Robinson, Danger...

If you ask a reformed alcoholic which drink he fears most he'll give you one answer...

"The next one."

And that's as true as it gets with the people in society that become dependent on a substance in order to be able to function. It's also true of me. I think. I'm not 100% sure.

The reason I say that is because two months ago I resolved to pack in smoking weed and was doing quite well until three days ago when a friend of mine asked me if I wanted some orange bud. "No thanks man, I'm off that shit." I replied almost immediately.

"You sure? It's the best bit of green I've had in a long time man, it'll melt your face off." He said.
"Positive mate. Besides, I'm as skint as a careless childs knee." I replied.
"Well, you've seen me right in the past. Have this bag to make up for the times when I've been broke and you've sorted me out." He stated, handing me the bag of green.

So for the last three days my routine has been... Wake up; Roll up; Bake brain stem with green stem; Pass out; Rinse and repeat.


twelve_squared said...

addicted maybe to anything... substance or otherwise?

oh, Ross... :)

Hope you are well...

Wreckless Euroafrican said...

When we know our weakness it's easier to put up the required defenses. Maybe a good time to change environment. I was luckier when I gave up booze - everyone was supportive, no one offered me a freebie - but, I had also made up my mind that I would stay away from anyone who wasn't supportive. Difficult, I know - but that's how u separate friends form the rest.
Strenght to you bro, keep up the fight!