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News and Weather?

I've come to the conclusion that the TV news is so full of shit it's beyond belief.

If the newsreaders aren't talking to you like you're a four year old then the producers are by filling your screen with graphics so simple that if you showed them to a chimpanzee the chimp would ask "what the fuck is this?" just before slinging a handful of it's own excrement at the screen and walking off in disgust.

It's the same with the weather forecast. In all honesty does anyone actually watch the weather? Or do you, like a normal person, do the sensible thing and look out the window? Please, for the love of God, tell me you do or I'll be forced to kill myself or, and this is more likely, you.


Wreckless Euroafrican said...

My wife never misses the weather forcast. How the fuck would she know what to prep. for tommorow to dress in if she didn't?

twelve_squared said...


omg... I think the thing to remember is that weather forecasting is inaccurate at best, and news reporting is reliant on who pays the bills...

it's all excrement and I'm with the chimp you mentioned. I hate it all so I avoid it to keep myself from going literally insane as opposed to my quiet little less than sane existance which I enjoy immensely.
