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What the Fuck?

There's something desperately wrong with the smoke detector I have in my house.

Last night I was running a bath when the smoke detector began squealing, like a pig having a large cactus inserted into its arsehole, because the steam from the bath drifted along the hallway. This morning I almost set fire to the frying pan, while making my breakfast, filling the kitchen and hallway with acrid smoke and what did the smoke detector do?

Not a goddamn thing.

Should I be killed in a house fire please sue the living fuck out of whatever confederacy of dunces made the smoke detector.


Wreckless Euroafrican said...

I have no idea why you would want a smoke detector in your house in the first place. What's it going to do for you? tell you that there's smoke? Haven't you heard there's no smoke without a fire" Surely you would want a fire detector in the house instead? And anyway, if you are really so concerned why not have an automatic sprinkler installed so that in the event there is a fire it will automatically extinguish same, and you won't even have to have your sleep disturbed....

Just asking


Anonymous said...

I will check said alarm next time I am cleaning your home.

Love Momma