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I'm a writer, me...

I've always wondered just how people would define me if someone asked them to describe me. I know my friends and family have made the following comments...
  • A Lunatic. (Sandra.)
  • Insane. (Boo.)
  • Slightly Mad, but in a good way. (Jenny.)
  • You can't describe Ross. (Steff.)
  • Sick. (Oswald.)
  • A Bam. (Terry.)
  • A fat cunt. (Bobo.)
  • Silly. (Alex, Cameron, Daisy, Lawry.)
  • 'Illy. (Matthew.)
  • A twat. (Stuart.)
  • Off his head. (Sarah.)
  • Eccentric. (Laura.)
God, that list could really spiral out of control... Anyhoo, back to the matter in hand...

My Mum told me a couple of days ago that she was speaking to a workmate about her family and she said that I was a writer and a poet. When she told me this I was slightly stunned. My Mum looked at me and said "And that's what you are, isn't it. A writer and a poet."

When my Mum said this to me, I realised that I was. And still am. I'm a writer. I may not be great, I may not create great works, I may not get paid to do it... But Goddamn it, I'm a writer.

Thanks mum.


Anonymous said...

Oh course you are a writer. Anyone who takes time to express his or her ideas to the world through means such as a blog, is a writer. Yay for writers! (Isn't it weird when your parents say things that flabbergast you? My dad does it to me all the time!)

Wreckless Euroafrican said...

See my previous comment.

Mum knows. Mums always know.
