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Chemical enhancement day...
Not for the faint of mind.
The Day after.

The cold light of early afternoon is now upon me, my body is clear of chemicals, my head is no longer buzzing like an angry bee trapped inside an upturned a pint glass and I'm no longer of the mindset where I want to chase the White Rabbit.

I could try until the end of time to explain why I felt the need, nay, necessity to go out on a blow out, but I doubt very much whether I'd be able to, so I won't attempt to rationalize that which is not rational.

If I said The Grand Whazoo told me to do it would you believe me? I doubt it... I could attempt to say that I was performing an experiment involving the changing of the chemical structure of my brain but doing so would only be pointless. Or I think it would...

Perhaps there was no reason behind my decision. Humans do, on occasion, do things without reason. Take the example of Edmund Hillary, he climbed Mount Everest "Because it was there." That to me sounds completely unrational but to him it was as natural a thought as wearing his socks underneath his shoes.

Edmund Hillary is also quoted as saying "It is not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves." And he is right on the money on that. In climbing the worlds highest mountain, or flying solo across the Atlantic (Charles Lindbergh) or being one of the first people to singlehandedly circumnavigate the globe (Ferdinand Magellan) (1) We do not conquer the thing itself, we conquer our fears and gain valuable insight into who we really are, what we really are capable of and how far we, as humans, are willing to go in search of something.

And that, my friends, is admirable.

To finish I'd like to quote Terrence McKenna;

"What has happened in the twentieth century is that we have found out what the witch doctors are really doing, what the shaman really intends. This information cannot simply be placed in our museums and forgotten: it contains within it a nugget of incontrovertible experience that appears to argue that our vision of reality is sorely lacking."

(1) Though Magellan did not circumnavigate the world he was one of the first individuals to cross all the meridians of the globe. Of the crew members who set out with Magellan to circumnavigate the globe, only 18 managed to return to Spain and thereby complete the circumnavigation. They were led by Spaniard Juan Sebastian Elcano, who took over command of the expedition after Magellan's death.


Wreckless Euroafrican said...

What really amazes me is that you can be so lucid whilst on a trip. The fact that you can get it together to sit down and record your feelings / emotions . etc. at that point in time is amazing.

On the other hand, you also seem to know that you are not doing your body any good, so why do it?

As for wanting to feel the various sensations you so aptly describe, I am sure that there are more natural means of achieveing the same level of euphoria.

I am still impressed with your writing, and hope that soon you will find a partner in life as this is the only thing I can think of that will give you the direction I believe you are looking for.

jenny said...

Wreckless in sensible comment shocker!!! Agreed 100%. Who knew you could be so sensible Max!

Unknown said...

My estimation of you has shot up thanks to your comment. Cazart! my man.
However I would like to point out that the post describing my experience was something of a struggle.

Thanks for the nice remarks on my writing.