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Was May-Day.

A day on which people commemorate something. What they commemorate I don't know...

Perhaps there is an historic figure who was named May and the powers that be decided that we should all have a day off of work to remember her good deeds. Which, despite all good efforts, has failed miserably as I'm fucked if I know who May was, never mind what she did that was so fantastic as to warrant a day when the shops close and you can't get a decent fried breakfast for love or money.

Or perhaps this is the day when sailors around the world put aside their differences and help each other. (Which would go a long way to explain why you're supposed to yell May-Day when you're in need of rescuing.) As someone who was fathered by someone who has salt in his blood I know that sailors can be an unruly mob who would argue, that black was white and that Bo Diddly was a better guitarist than Jimi Hendrix, just for the sheer hell of it.

(I'm not about to use this post to have a sly dig at my dad because he thinks Bo Diddly is a better guitarist than Jimi Hendrix, so I'll leave that train of thought there and attempt to steer this barge into a safer port.) So, anyhoo... It's May-Day once again and lots of people are getting drunk and having a good old fashioned knees up in worship of whatever deity it is that they have chosen to give kudos to. And, well done, I say.

There's nothing quite as spectacular as, dancing naked on a mountaintop or bathing in the fresh morning dew to refresh your spirit and cleanse your mind of everyday worries such as mortgages and responsibilities. Such things can be good for people. (Especially if there's copious amounts of alcohol and drugs to help.)

I celebrated May-Day lying in my bed complaining to myself that the TV is always shit on holidays and making the odd injured-bear noise due to my shoulder being fucked. Actually that's a lie... I'd much rather be dancing on a mountaintop smashed out my gourd on alcohol and drugs than lying in my bed. And, also, bears don't have quite the same ability to swear as I do.


Anonymous said...

Hi my man, how is the shoulder, getting better, that'll teach you to swing from the Light Fittings. How is Jen, back from her hols yet? and what about Kev, he is keeping kinna quiet (as is Tootsie). Well have a nice day you all. keep in touch.

Divemaster GranDad said...


Actually, May Day was originally celebrated in communistic countries (probably an excuse for a vodka piss-up)..

Here's a link to Wiki that has a lot more on it...