"Open up a whole new communication between you and your cat."
If you're a cat lover like me, and wish to communicate better with your pet for a deeper, more loving relationship, then you'll want to out how to talk to your cat. And that's where a new guide -"Your talking Cat" - can really help you... especially when it comes to understanding what your cat is actually saying - not just what you think she is saying.
It goes on to make the claim that "Cats are scientifically proven to possess certain telepathic powers for reading the true mindset of a human companion." Now, I'm no scientist and I openly admit that my reading of scientific journals has been poor of late, but I'm sure if humanity had invented some sort of device that can detect telepathic ability I'm pretty sure I'd have heard about it.
Anyhoo, the advert then lists a few of the things that the book can help you read your cats body language, facial expressions and meows to decipher such things as...
- Why your cat rubs you to show affection.
- Why your cat circles in your lap before settling down.
- Why your cat blinks.
- How many different ways your cat purrs.
- How your cat sizes up your friends.
- Why your cat always seems to come over when you're reading or doing paperwork.
- Why your cat doesn't like being stared at... yet sometimes stares at you.
- Why your cat may panic if you oversleep.
- How your cat knows when a disaster is about to take place.
- Why your cat likes to explore open pipes or even inside paper bags.
- And many, many other questions answered.
As I'm a believer in the free sharing of information I'm about to answer these questions for you. Not just to save you the sixteen quid but to save you from having to suffer the embarrassment of having someone see the book on your bookshelf and asking you what the fuck you were drinking, smoking or injecting when you purchased it.
So, here are the answers.
- Why your cat rubs you to show affection.
- Why your cat circles in your lap before settling down.
- Why your cat blinks.
- How many ways your cat purrs.
- How your catsizes up your friends.
- Why your cat always seems to come over when you're reading or doing paperwork.
- Why your cat doesn't like to be stared at... yet sometimes stares at you.
- Why your cat may panic if you oversleep.
- Why your cat knows when a disaster is about to take place.
- Why your cat likes exploring open pipes and paper bags.
Should you still wish to buy this book then please remember not to let your cat see you reading it. Why? Because as soon as you sit down to read it the cat will see that you are interested in something other than itself and the following thought will pass through it's mind...
"Why isn't the food bringer paying attention to me? I'm going to go up there and dig my claws into it. Maybe it'll rub my ass and make me horny. Then I can go and lick my own cunt for an hour or so."
Hey Ross, Back off a bit. I happent to like cats. We have then on the braai, in a stew, and on the odd occation we will do kittens on a skewer. So, leave my lunch alone will you!
Oh for the love...
I feel sick even at the thought.
I forgot to tell everyone that Max is part Eytie, part Souf Efrican, and part Korean...
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