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Scratch an itchy foot with a pair of scissors.

Unless you fancy a nice big slash across the sole of your foot. Which is what I currently have, thanks to... Yup, you guessed it, my being stupid enough to scratch my foot with a pair of scissors.

This life lesson was brought to you by the word Scissors, and the colour Red.


Wreckless Euroafrican said...

And never floss with razor blades!



Anonymous said...

Hey Ross I suppose it could have been could have decided to scratch somewhere else instead...ouch.

jenny said...

Oh for goodness sake. I just can't leave you for five minutes!

Saying that never try to remove a jaggy thing which has stuck to the sole of your foot by wiping it off across the top of your other foot..been there, done that, got the scar..typical of my luck...the jaggy thing was a piece of glass!