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Lazy day.

Well, today I'm on a day off. Ain't that just tickety-boo?

Because of this I dragged my arse out of my bed at 2:45pm, staggered to the toilet and pissed away the raging boner that inadvertantly woke me up when I rolled over onto it. Since then I've done fuck all except scratch myself in deeply personal places, watch Monk, played Project Gotham Racing, and watched some more of Buffy on DVD.

I should be doing laundry, washing dishes and tidying up but, fuck that guff. I'll leave that to the maid... Shit, I don't have a maid. Nightmare... Oh well, these things can't be helped. But, balls to that. I'm not in the mood for tidying. I'm in the mood for lazing around, scratching myself in personal places and watching Buffy DVD's.

1 comment:

Divemaster GranDad said...

Brilliant comment, Aunty P... Does that mean that he's moved back home?