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Falling from a wagon...

Can be very painful. Just ask Yakima Canutt.

I fell off a wagon yesterday. The Wells Fargo express, it was not. Oh no, my wagon was, as the Guardian of the Emerald City gate would say, a horse of a different color.

...This post is rapidly turning into a repository for links to Wikipedia... But, fuck it, I'm in no hurry if you feel like filling your heads with knowledge about any of the above links. Take your time. Just remember to come back here and finishing reading this post... You never know what you might miss. I could inadvertanty shit out the secret to eternal life. But I doubt it very much.

Anyhoo, as I was saying.

Falling from a wagon... Been there done that. The wagon I fell off was the 3:15 to Cleansville. And was caused by me smoking a joint. I know, I know, I shouldn't have succumbed to the demon weed but it has a strong grip on me. I can't think why, it's not like I'm addicted. Shit, I know people who have smoked hash every day for forty years and they're not addicted.

I would attribute my slip to there being a small part of me that keeps whispering in my Mind's ear telling me to "Just say yes."

(Side thought...) Do you have a Mind's ear? I know we all have a Mind's eye but are the rest of the facial features included? Is there a Mind's nose? Do we, as a species, have a Mind's knee? How about a Mind's navel? (Should you have an opinion on this please feel free to leave a comment.)

Perhaps this is because for so long I have allowed this voice to be the one I listen to the most. I'm sure there is a little voice of sanity in my head that insists I think of the possible consequences before doing something, but, whats to say that my voice of reason hasn't decided I'm a lost cause and has packed it's bag and wandered off into the distance?

I hope that I'm wrong in assuming that. Perhaps several years with an addiction can do that to you. I know, for a fact, that smoking hash for as long as I have alters your perception to a level where you can see the cycle of life at work in all things. And, I'm pretty sure annoying your voice of reason to a point where it says "Fuck It." And hands it's notice, (Perhaps to chase it's dream of working on a cattle ranch in Montana, being Hanks' voice of reason when he thinks to himself "That there is a damn fine lookin heifer...") would be a cakewalk in comparison.

But who knows?

Not me and that's for damn sure. I'm way too stoned to work it out.


Divemaster GranDad said...

Cuzz...I know a few people with a "Mind's Arsehole". They open it now and then and all that comes out is shite. Some people also call it a mouth... :-)

Wreckless Euroafrican said...

So you fell off. No big deal. At least you know you can slow down / stop for some periods at a time.

Anyway, always a pleasure reading your posts. What about some posting on your opinions on things like the current Muslim uprising? The influx of Pakistanis in the UK? The sale of MU to the americans? he fact that there are almost no English players in the English soccer teams, etc?


Anonymous said...

:-{ keep trying Ross. You can do it, you know you can.