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abre los ojos.

And smell the coffee...

It's been a week of dreams for me this week. And by that I don't mean that this week seen the fulfillment of my hopes and desires, I mean I've slept a lot.

Fuck knows why. I haven't been any more tired than usual. I've just been sleeping lots. 18 hours on Monday, followed by a further 14 on Tuesday, then 12 and a half hours on Wednesday. Thursday was the only day when I slept less than a disgusting amount of hours, coming in at 6 hours. Friday was another 12 and a half hours.

Eileen, who I work beside, made the suggestion that it may have been because the clocks went back an hour last week and my body is reacting to the nights drawing in and the days getting shorter. Personally I think she was talking piss.

Should I figure out why I slept so much I'll let you know.

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