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I still have no idea...

What design to put onto the T-Shirt that I donated to the winner of my 10,000th hit competition.

No doubt Karen, version 1.0, will be disappointed that I haven't had any dazzlingly brilliant idea suitable for being displayed over her chest for all the world to see.

The idea of doing a shirt with the logo "I hit that Cnut 10,000 times" occurred to me but I quickly dismissed it as crap.

Apologies are due to Karen for having to wait so long for her prize.


Divemaster GranDad said...

Cuzz...I would have gone for something like "10,000th CNUT"...simple, but evocative.

Anonymous said...

Hello Ross, Mum Here, why not put a picture of you on it, and I could copy it and show it to the girl in the office. Hello Steven how you doing?

Anonymous said...

ps Karen sounds like a nice girl...........

Unknown said...

Mother dearest,
I sent you a picture to ahow your friend at work. (Who is probably as freaked out, at your attempts to wed me off like a mailorder husband, as I am)

You met Karen years ago.

Unknown said...

I never really understood why you both didn't get along. Fuck it, maybe that's one of the things us men aint supposed to understand. like washing machines and why the loo lid has to be put down when we have finished pissing.

And in future Karen should you delete a comment I'll post it for all the world to see. :-D

Unknown said...

I'm the all powerful OZ. Do not look behind the curtain.