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Notes from Africa. Part 5. Guinjata Bay. Day 3.

I awoke early this morning. 2:17 to be precise.

My early awakening is mainly due to the fact that the mosquitoes here have made me dish of the week and also the thunder and lightning storm that is lighting up the sky and making the beach hut shake. I slip out of bed, pull on my jeans and make my way out onto the porch to watch the storm.

I've never seen a storm like this. The rain is bouncing off the sand in front of the hut as though the raindrops themselves contain an explosive charge. The sand is launched into the air as the giant drops slam into the ground and the air around me is filled with the smell of the sky being fried by the fork lightning that is flashing through the clouds like the Norse God Thor has decided to announce his arrival.

The sound of the rain smashing into the surrounding foliage and beach huts is like white noise. The constant hiss is reassuring. I feel as though I am inside the womb again. The only noises that filter through the hiss of falling rain is the faint beat of my heart, the steady smash of the waves on the beach and the giant BOOMs of the thunder breaking in the clouds above my head.

I think about waking Steve, Tamlyn and Steph just so they can witness the light and noise show that is being played out in the skies above, but I let them get some sleep. I sit and watch the storm slowly pass overhead and disappear into the distance taking the rain to another part of the coastline then I go back to bed.

Later in the morning I awake and stroll out of my room and find that Steve, Steph and Tamlyn have went for a walk on the beach. Or I presume they have. All I know is that they are not in the close vicinity of the hut. I pick up King Of Torts by John Grisham and sit on the porch and begin to read.

Steve, Steph and Tamlyn return from their walk and we have breakfast as the maid wanders around making the beds and cleaning up. I feel as though I should give her a hand but the language barrier gets in the way. I make a cup of coffee and I go sit on the porch with my book.

I spend the rest of the morning finishing the King Of Torts. Steve makes the comment that he can't believe I have read an entire book in the space of a few hours.

Later on we went to the restaurant and have a meal. The menu is brought to our table and I stare in amazement at the prices. It makes me laugh to see prices seem so high but actually be cheap compared to the prices I'd pay in Scotland.

Guinjata bay menu.

I have pizza. With everything.

We go into the bar and have a few drinks and Steve and I have a few games of darts. It ends in a victory for me. 3-2. An hour or two is spent thinking of things to make out of a toy poodle. Not for no good reason, there's a woman that works in the resort who has a small black toy poodle and it's sitting on the bar on top of a lace shawl. It's got a bow in it's hair. Steve and I create some humor by thinking up ways to end it's suffering. Suggestions range from, using it as shark bait, a rugby ball, using it to clear land mines, making it a soft toy for a rabid rottweiler to firing it from a cannon. By far the funniest suggestion is using it as a tampon for a horse.

After a few drinks we all head back to the hut and have another couple of drinks on the porch while the stars come out.

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